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娆 繋鎮ㄧ殑璁块棶锛屽 鏈変换浣曢棶棰樿 鑱旂郴鎴戜滑鐨勫湪绾垮 鏈嶏紒. 992u绀煎寘涓 績鐏 垎涓婄嚎锛岀偣鍑婚 鍙栨瀬鍝佸ぇ绀煎寘锛? 姝 姛鍐嶉珮涔熸 曡彍鍒 9377銆婃棤涓婄 鍏点 嬩笘. 瑾撴 鎹嶅崼 9377銆婅タ娓镐慨鐪熶紶銆嬪畧鍗 攼鍍? 缁濆湴鍙嶅嚮 9377銆婅丹鏈堜紶璇淬 嬫 掓皵鎶 鑳藉ぇ杞扮偢. 闆勬墠澶х暐锛屻 婃 鍥炴睙婀栥 嬩笁澶ф帉闂ㄧ洏鐐? 闃磋皨鍒濈幇銆婃 鍥炴睙婀栥 嬫彮绉樻睙婀栧 妗? 绉 鑹插彲椁愶紝銆婃 鍥炴睙婀栥 嬩笁澶уコ绁炵洏鐐? 浜烘疆浜烘捣ppwan銆婄 鍩熷够鎯炽 嬮摳閫犻瓟鐞冨 杩? 銆婃 鍥炴睙婀栥 嬩簩浠e疇鐗 鍖栵紝瀹炲姏澶у. 姝 姛鍐嶉珮涔熸 曡彍鍒 9377銆婃棤涓婄 鍏点 嬩笘. 瑾撴 鎹嶅崼 9377銆婅タ娓镐慨鐪熶紶銆嬪畧鍗 攼鍍? 缁濆湴鍙嶅嚮 9377銆婅丹鏈堜紶璇淬 嬫 掓皵鎶 鑳藉ぇ杞扮偢. 鍚嶅皢鍐涢瓊 360uu銆婄湡榫欎笁鍥姐 嬫 榄傝В瀵? 073銆婇 姝 笁鍥姐 嬪府浼氬悓.
My name is Brittney and I live in Wisconsin. Known for beer, cheese, Summerfest, and the Packers. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.
Four years, eleven medicated cycles, seven months with the RE, and infinity test sticks peed on was all it took for that second line. First hCG test, 10. Three days later, 14. Last test was a 0. The end of pregnancy number one. Lately it just feel like my relocation challenges are presenting th.
Adventures in an Extra Ordinary Life. Just an extra ordinary fat girl trying to get healthy. Its amazing how much changes day to day, week to week, month to month, and so on. Life has been crazy for the past two years. Not necessarily bad, but not great. I wear a brace a.
This is the personal site and portfolio of myself, Jennifer Perry. Here you will find all of my artwork as well as a store where you. Thursday August 11th, 2011.